ansible.builtin.difference filter – the difference of one list from another


This filter plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name difference. However, we recommend you use the Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) ansible.builtin.difference for easy linking to the plugin documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same filter plugin name.


  • Provide a unique list of all the elements of the first list that do not appear in the second one.

  • Items in the resulting list are returned in arbitrary order.


This describes the input of the filter, the value before | ansible.builtin.difference.




list / elements=string / required

A list.

Keyword parameters

This describes keyword parameters of the filter. These are the values key1=value1, key2=value2 and so on in the following example: input | ansible.builtin.difference(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)




list / elements=string / required

A list.

See Also

See also

ansible.builtin.intersect filter plugin

intersection of lists.

ansible.builtin.symmetric_difference filter plugin

different items from two lists.

ansible.builtin.union filter plugin

union of lists.

ansible.builtin.unique filter plugin

set of unique items of a list.


# return the elements of list1 not in list2
# list1: [1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 10]
# list2: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 99]
{{ list1 | difference(list2) }}
# => [10]

Return Value



Return value

list / elements=string

A unique list of the elements from the first list that do not appear on the second.

Returned: success


  • Brian Coca (@bcoca)


Configuration entries for each entry type have a low to high priority order. For example, a variable that is lower in the list will override a variable that is higher up.