f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_device_info module – Collect information from F5 BIG-IQ devices
This module is part of the f5networks.f5_modules collection (version 1.34.1).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install f5networks.f5_modules
To use it in a playbook, specify: f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_device_info
New in f5networks.f5_modules 1.0.0
Collect information from F5 BIG-IQ devices.
This module was called
before Ansible 2.9. The usage did not change.
Aliases: bigia_device_facts
Parameter |
Comments |
When supplied, this argument restricts the information returned to a given subset. You can specify a list of values to include a larger subset. Values can also be used with an initial Choices:
A dict object containing connection details. |
Configures the auth provider for to obtain authentication tokens from the remote device. This option is really used when working with BIG-IQ devices. |
If You may omit this option by setting the environment variable Previously used variable Choices:
The password for the user account used to connect to the BIG-IP or the BIG-IQ. You may omit this option by setting the environment variable |
The BIG-IP host or the BIG-IQ host. You may omit this option by setting the environment variable |
The BIG-IP server port. You may omit this option by setting the environment variable Default: |
Specifies the timeout in seconds for communicating with the network device for either connecting or sending commands. If the timeout is exceeded before the operation is completed, the module will error. |
Configures the transport connection to use when connecting to the remote device. Choices:
The username to connect to the BIG-IP or the BIG-IQ. This user must have administrative privileges on the device. You may omit this option by setting the environment variable |
If You may omit this option by setting the environment variable Choices:
This module is supported with all BIG-IQ versions
With BIGIQ 7.0 and later, a few metadata fields not included/supported (for example, uptime, product_changelist, product_jobid)
For more information on using Ansible to manage F5 Networks devices see https://www.ansible.com/integrations/networks/f5.
Requires BIG-IP software version >= 12.
The F5 modules only manipulate the running configuration of the F5 product. To ensure that BIG-IP specific configuration persists to disk, be sure to include at least one task that uses the f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_config module to save the running configuration. Refer to the module’s documentation for the correct usage of the module to save your running configuration.
- name: Collect BIG-IQ information
- system-info
- vlans
server: lb.mydomain.com
user: admin
password: secret
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Collect all BIG-IQ information
- all
server: cm.mydomain.com
user: admin
password: secret
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Collect all BIG-IP information except trunks
- all
- "!trunks"
server: cm.mydomain.com
user: admin
password: secret
delegate_to: localhost
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
Application related information Returned: When Sample: |
Number of alerts active on the application. Returned: changed Sample: |
Percent of traffic to application that is determined to be ‘bad’. This value is dependent on Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether or not Bad Traffic Growth alerts are configured to be triggered or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Current number of connections established to the application. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether enhanced analytics is enabled for the application or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Health of the application. Returned: changed Sample: |
ID of the application as known to the BIG-IQ. Returned: changed Sample: |
Name of the application. Returned: changed Sample: |
Number of new connections being established per second. Returned: changed Sample: |
The type of F5 Web Application Security Service protection on the application. Returned: changed Sample: |
Measured response time of the application in milliseconds. Returned: changed Sample: |
Current state of the application. Returned: changed Sample: |
Current measurement of Transactions Per second being handled by the application. Returned: changed Sample: |
Managed device related information. Returned: When Sample: |
Address where the device was discovered. Returned: changed Sample: |
Build of the version. Returned: changed Sample: |
URI to reach the management interface of the device. Returned: changed Sample: |
Edition string of the product version. Returned: changed Sample: |
BIG-IQ group that the device is a member of. Returned: changed Sample: |
Discovered hostname of the device. Returned: changed Sample: |
HTTPS port available on the management interface of the device. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether the device is clustered or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether the license on the device is expired or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether the device is a virtual edition or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Machine specific ID assigned to this device by BIG-IQ. Returned: changed Sample: |
IP address of the management interface on the device. Returned: changed Sample: |
Device name as known by MCPD on the BIG-IP. Returned: changed Sample: |
Product that the managed device is identified as. Returned: changed Sample: |
REST framework version running on the device Returned: changed Sample: |
Internal reference to the managed device in BIG-IQ. Returned: changed Sample: |
Volumes on the device and versions of software installed in those volumes. Returned: changed Sample: |
State of the device. Returned: changed Sample: |
Misc tags that are assigned to the device. Returned: changed Sample: |
GUID of the trust domain the device is part of. Returned: changed Sample: |
UUID of the device in BIG-IQ. Returned: changed Sample: |
Version of TMOS installed on the device. Returned: changed Sample: |
Purchased Pool License related information. Returned: When Sample: |
Base registration key of the purchased pool Returned: changed Sample: |
Dossier of the purchased pool license Returned: changed Sample: |
Date that evaluation license ends. Returned: changed Sample: |
Date that evaluation license starts. Returned: changed Sample: |
Number of free licenses remaining. Returned: changed Sample: |
Date that the license expires. Returned: changed Sample: |
Date that the license starts. Returned: changed Sample: |
Timestamp that the pool was licensed. Returned: changed Sample: |
Version of BIG-IQ that is licensed. Returned: changed Sample: |
Name of the purchased pool Returned: changed Sample: |
Purchased pool license key. Returned: changed Sample: |
State of the purchased pool license Returned: changed Sample: |
Total number of licenses in the pool. Returned: changed Sample: |
UUID of the purchased pool license Returned: changed Sample: |
Vendor who provided the license Returned: changed Sample: |
Regkey Pool related information. Returned: When Sample: |
ID of the regkey pool. Returned: changed Sample: |
Name of the regkey pool. Returned: changed Sample: |
List of the offerings in the pool. Returned: success Sample: |
Dossier of the license. Returned: changed Sample: |
Date that evaluation license ends. Returned: changed Sample: |
Date that evaluation license starts. Returned: changed Sample: |
Date that the license expires. Returned: changed Sample: |
Date that the license starts. Returned: changed Sample: |
Timestamp that the regkey was licensed. Returned: changed Sample: |
Version of BIG-IQ that is licensed. Returned: changed Sample: |
Name of the regkey. Returned: changed Sample: |
Registration license key. Returned: changed Sample: |
State of the regkey license Returned: changed Sample: |
Total number of offerings in the pool Returned: changed Sample: |
System info related information. Returned: When Sample: |
Media Access Control address (MAC address) of the device. Returned: changed Sample: |
Serial of the chassis Returned: success Sample: |
Information related to the hardware (drives and CPUs) of the system. Returned: changed |
The model of the hardware. Returned: success Sample: |
The name of the hardware. Returned: success Sample: |
The type of hardware. Returned: success Sample: |
Hardware specific properties Returned: success |
Name of the property Returned: success Sample: |
Value of the property Returned: success Sample: |
Revision of the host board. Returned: success |
Serial of the host board. Returned: success |
Whether the admin password was changed from its default or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether the root password was changed from its default or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether the system has been setup or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Marketing name of the device platform. Returned: changed Sample: |
Displays the software edition. Returned: changed Sample: |
A string combining the Returned: success Sample: |
Platform identifier. Returned: success Sample: |
Build version of the release version. Returned: success Sample: |
Human readable build date. Returned: success Sample: |
Unix timestamp of when the product was built. Returned: success Sample: |
Changelist that product branches from. Not supported with BIGIQ 7.0 and later versions Returned: success Sample: |
Code identifying the product. Returned: success Sample: |
ID of the job that built the product version. Not supported with BIGIQ 7.0 and later versions Returned: success Sample: |
Major product version of the running software. Returned: success Sample: |
Switch board revision. Returned: success |
Serial of the switch board. Returned: success |
Mapping of the current time information to specific time-named keys. Returned: changed |
The current day of the month, in numeric form. Returned: changed Sample: |
The current hour of the day in 24-hour form. Returned: changed Sample: |
The current minute of the hour. Returned: changed Sample: |
The current month, in numeric form. Returned: changed Sample: |
The current second of the minute. Returned: changed Sample: |
The current year in 4-digit form. Returned: changed Sample: |
Time, in seconds, since the system booted. Not supported with BIGIQ 7.0 and later versions Returned: success Sample: |
List of VLAN information. Returned: When Sample: |
Allows the system to send return traffic to the MAC address that transmitted the request, even if the routing table points to a different network or interface. Returned: changed Sample: |
Specifies how the traffic on the VLAN will be disaggregated. Returned: changed Sample: |
Description of the VLAN. Returned: changed Sample: |
Action for the system to take when the fail-safe mechanism is triggered. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether failsafe is enabled or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Number of seconds that an active unit can run without detecting network traffic on this VLAN before it starts a failover. Returned: changed Sample: |
Index assigned to this VLAN. It is a unique identifier assigned for all objects displayed in the SNMP IF-MIB. Returned: changed Sample: |
List of tagged or untagged interfaces and trunks that you want to configure for the VLAN. Returned: changed |
Full name of the resource as known to BIG-IP. Returned: changed Sample: |
Relative name of the resource in BIG-IP. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether the interface is tagged or not. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether switch ports placed in the VLAN are configured for switch learning, forwarding only, or dropped. Returned: changed Sample: |
Specific maximum transition unit (MTU) for the VLAN. Returned: changed Sample: |
Maximum interval in seconds between two pollings. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether the global VLAN poll-interval setting, overrides the object-level poll-interval setting. Returned: changed Sample: |
Ratio of packets observed to the samples generated. Returned: changed Sample: |
Whether the global VLAN sampling-rate setting, overrides the object-level sampling-rate setting. Returned: changed Sample: |
Specifies that only connections that have a return route in the routing table are accepted. Returned: changed Sample: |
Tag number for the VLAN. Returned: changed Sample: |
Media access control (MAC) address for the lowest-numbered interface assigned to this VLAN. Returned: changed Sample: |