Guidelines for VMware REST module development

The Ansible VMware REST collection (on Galaxy <>, source code repository <>) is maintained by Red Hat and the community.

Contribution process

The modules of the vmware_rest collection are autogenerated by another tool called content_builder <>.

If you would like to contribute a change, we would appreciate if you opened an issue in this repo.


You will need:

  • Python 3.6 or greater

  • the tox <> command

Module Generation

See the file in this repo.

Testing with ansible-test

All the modules are covered by a functional test. The tests are located in the tests/integration/targets/.

To run the tests, you will need a vcenter instance and an ESXi.

black code formatter

We follow the coding style of Black <>. You can run the code formatter with the following command.

tox -e black

sanity tests

Here we use Python 3.8, the minimal version is 3.6.

tox -e black
ansible-test sanity --debug --requirements --local --skip-test future-import-boilerplate --skip-test metaclass-boilerplate --python 3.8 -vvv

integration tests

These tests should be run against your test environment.

..warning:: The test suite will delete all the existing DC from your test environment.

First, prepare a configuration file, we call it /tmp/inventory-vmware_rest in this example:

localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=python


To run the tests, use the following command. You may want to adjust the Python version.

ansible-test network-integration --diff --no-temp-workdir --python 3.8 --inventory /tmp/inventory-vmware_rest zuul/