Contributing to ansible-bender

Setting up your local development environment

Please make sure to follow bender’s installation process:

For local development, you’ll need a few more packages. All of them are listed in setup.cfg:

  1. To run bender from git, you need setuptools_scm

  2. Test suite is using pytest and flexmock

A lot of development automation is done in the Makefile so make sure that you have GNU make installed.

Since bender is so closely tight to podman and buildah, it works only on linux.


A good way to verify that everything works fine is to run the test suite in your local environment:

$ make check
PYTHONPATH=/home/me/path/to/ansible-bender PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=yes pytest-3 --cov=ansible_bender -l -v ./tests/
=============================== test session starts =====================================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.4, pytest-3.9.3, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.8.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/me/path/to/ansible-bender, inifile:
plugins: celery-4.3.0, cov-2.6.0
collected 61 items

tests/functional/ PASSED                       [  1%]
tests/functional/ PASSED            [  3%]
tests/functional/     [....]

You can also run the test suite in a container:

$ make build-ab-img && make check-in-container


Bender is using packit project for continuous integration.

Related files:

  • .packit.yaml — root config file for packit

  • .fmf/ — packit utilies `fmf <>`_ project under the hood and this dir is required for fmf to function

  • tests/ci.fmf — definition of tests to run in Packit’s CI System - Testing Farm

  • ci.yaml — Ansible playbook to set up the testing environment so bender’s test suite can run

Install the development version

You can install your development checkout like this:

$ cd local/git/checkout/of/bender/
$ pip3 install --user -e .

Run bender directly from git

It’s really easy:

$ PAYTHONPATH=/home/me/local/git/checkout/of/bender/ python3 -m ansible_bender.cli --help