
Tool which bends containers using Ansible playbooks and turns them into container images. It has a pluggable builder selection — it is up to you to pick the tool which will be used to construct your container image. Right now the only supported builder is buildah. More to come in the future. Ansible-bender (ab) relies on Ansible connection plugins for performing builds.


  • You can build your container images with buildah as a backend.

  • Ansible playbook is your build recipe.

  • You are able to set various image metadata via CLI or as specific Ansible vars:

    • working directory

    • environment variables

    • labels

    • user

    • default command

    • exposed ports

  • You can do volume mounts during build.

  • Caching mechanism:

    • Every task result is cached as a container image layer.

    • You can turn this off with --no-cache.

    • You can disable caching from a certain point by adding a tag no-cache to a task.

  • You can stop creating new image layers by adding tag stop-layering to a task.

  • If an image build fails, it’s committed and named with a suffix -[TIMESTAMP]-failed (so you can take a look inside and resolve the issue).

  • The tool tries to find python interpreter inside the base image.

  • You can push images you built to remote locations such as:

    • a registry, a tarball, docker daemon, …

    • podman push is used to perform the push.